Get to know your peer advisors in the Academic Resource Center.

Picture of Raf Alarcon

Raf Alarcon

Spanish, CLA '25

I love ARC allows me to help incoming students find and pursue their passions and welcome them into the Temple family! You'd never know that I...have over fifty plants!

Picture of Sara Barrero-Florez

Sara Barrero-Florez

Printmaking, Tyler '25

I love ARC because . . . You'd never know that . . .

Picture of Tabbi Cavaliere

Tabbi Cavaliere

Speech, Language & Hearing Science, MA CPH '24

I love ARC because... every member of the staff is genuinely kind-hearted, caring and eager to help! You'd never know that I... stop to pet every dog I see.

Picture of Abby Dorotov

Abby Dorotov

Management Information Systems, FOX '25

I love ARC because... You'd never know that...

Picture of Morgan Ellison-Jones

Morgan Ellison-Jones

Health Professions, CPH '25

I love ARC because... You'd never know that...

Picture of Snehal Gupta

Snehal Gupta

Biology, CST '25

I love ARC because... You'd never know that...

Picture of Luana Miki Moreira Sacay

Luana Miki Moreira Sacay

Global Studies, CLA '27

I love ARC because . . . You'd never know that . . .

Picture of Hemani Shankar

Hemani Shankar

Bioengineering, COE '27

I love ARC because... You'd never know that...

Picture of Zenande Simani

Zenande Simani

Theater, CPCA '27

I love ARC because . . . You'd never know that . . .

Picture of Shrey Sitaram

Shrey Sitaram

Neuroscience - Cellular & Molecular, CST '26

I love ARC because... You'd never know that...

Picture of Christian Talotti

Christian Talotti

Film & Media Arts, CPCA '26

I love ARC because... You'd never know that...

Picture of Avery Terbish

Avery Terbish

Environmental Studies, CLA; Information Science & Technology, CST '27

I love ARC because . . . You'd never know that . . .

Picture of Elliott Zatwarnytsky

Elliott Zatwarnytsky

Criminal Justice, CLA '25

I love ARC because... You'd never know that...