The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides funding to conduct research or creative projects, pursue graduate study, or teach English abroad. During their grants, Fulbrighters will meet, work, live with and learn from the people of the host country, sharing daily experiences. The program facilitates cultural exchange through direct interaction on an individual basis in the classroom, field, home, and in routine tasks, allowing the grantee to gain an appreciation of others’ viewpoints and beliefs, the way they do things, and the way they think. Through engagement in the community, the individual will interact with their hosts on a one-to-one basis in an atmosphere of openness, academic integrity, and intellectual freedom, thereby promoting mutual understanding.
Grant lengths and dates vary by country. Please consult the specific country summaries on the Fulbright website for details.
Campus Deadline
Early September (see below for additional recommended deadlines)
National Deadline
Early to mid-October.
Institutional Nomination
Fulbright expects all applicants who are currently enrolled to be evaluated by their home university. Recent alumni have the option to apply “at large” without evaluation, but Temple University encourages alumni to apply through Temple and be evaluated. See below for the Temple Fulbright timeline and deadlines.
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
Applicants must be citizens or nationals of the United States of America at the time of application. Permanent residents are not eligible. Please review the Ineligibility section in relation to the eligibility of dual citizens.
Applicants must have a conferred bachelor's degree or equivalent before the start of the grant.
Applicants must meet the language requirements of the award to which they are applying and demonstrate sufficient competency to complete their project and adjust to life in the host country.
Applicants may hold a J.D. at the time of application. Applicants must not have a Ph.D. in hand at the time of application.
For more information, review the Fulbright Preferred Qualifications as well as their Selection Criteria.
Campus Contact
Barbara Gorka
Director, Scholar Development and Fellowships Advising
Email: barbara.gorka@temple.edu
Phone: 215-204-0708